ADJ • college | |
कालेज: college | |
का: presumably belonging to of by squander encode | |
कालेज का in English
[ kalej ka ] sound:
कालेज का sentence in Hindi
- Third year in college was given to soldiery .
कालेज का तीसरा साल सैन्यकर्म में बीत गया . - Even Aligarh College changed its tone , and among the new leaders the most dynamic were the Ali Brothers , both products of Aligarh .
यहां Zतक कि अलीगढ़ कालेज का रुख भी बदल गया.नये नेताओं में सबसे ज़्यादा प्रगतिशील अली बंधु निकले.ये दोनों ही अलीगढ़ की उपज थे .